001.5 The Commuter.

No matter how much R&D you do on something, when you put it out there for the world to consume, issues are bound to happen. Case in point, we ran into some hiccups once people started to get their pairs of the original Commuter.

Although we tested them for the good part of 2.5 years, I honestly thought I got all the kinks worked out myself. But, rips/tears, outsole issues, lace loop issues, etc. Needless to say, I had a lot of work to do to make this right for the people. Back to the drawing board to tweak things and give my factory a piece of my mind for making me look goofy to my customers. I reached out to several customers, gave refunds, promised new pairs, and hired my own Q/A to destroy the new samples I'd receive until they (the factory) got it right.

Here are some photos from the year-long rigorous R&D test journey below


Project One